The Influence of Examinations on the Stated Curriculum Goals
Mary Boit, Sr. Ann Njoki, Dr. John Koskey Chang’ach

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of examinations on curriculum implementation. It is based on an empirical study that involved collecting data and analyzing perceptions from teachers and students from various secondary schools in Bomet District. The Theoretical framework for the study was adopted from Wiggins and McTighe (1999) backward design model which involves identifying the aims and goals of the school program before decision making. The study, sought to establish the relationship between examinations conducted in secondary schools and the stated curriculum goals. The study established that examinations have had a backwash effect on the curriculum. For instance, the teachers cannot engage all the methods of instruction to attract the learners’ interest in class, selection of the content is determined by examinability and integration of life skills in the various subjects was also ignored or rushed over. These are contrary to the education goals which are expected to be achieved in the school system. The study recommends that the examination setters should attempt to set balanced examination questions to include all areas of the syllabus, and test questions which do not require procedural skills alone but also require thinking skills that prepare students to be innovative, creative, and imaginative.

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