Applications of Structural Equation Modeling In Social Sciences Research
Jackson de Carvalho, Felix O. Chima
Structural equation modeling (SEM) is a comprehensive statistical modeling tool for analyzing multivariate data
involving complex relationships between and among variables (Hoyle, 1995). SEM surpasses traditional
regression models by including multiple independent and dependent variables to test associated hypothesizes
about relationships among observed and latent variables. SEM explain why results occur while reducing
misleading results by submitting all variables in the model to measurement error or uncontrolled variation of the
measured variables. The purpose of this article is to provide basic knowledge of structural equation modeling
methodology for testing relationships between indicator variables and latent constructs where SEM is the
analysis technique of the research statistical design. It is noteworthy, SEM provides a way to test the specified set
of relationships among observed and latent variables as a whole, and allow theory testing even when experiments
are not possible. Consequently, these methodological approaches have become ubiquitous in the scientific
research process of all disciplines.
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