Electronic Commerce Obstacles Facing the Public Shareholding Jordanian Industrial Companies
Dr. Ahmad Yousf Kalboneh, Dr. Shadi Ahmed Khattab, Fadi Waled Shbeeb

This study aimed at identifying the e-commerce obstacles the Jordanian public shareholding companies are facing, the study's' importance stems from focusing on determining the factors related to the adoption of ecommerce applications in these companies, in order to test them in practice and make sure of their ability to influence the adoption of e-commerce applications in Jordanian companies To achieve the objectives of the study a review of literature was conducted through reviewing previous studies related to the problem of the study, a questionnaire was designed to collect data from a sample survey of selected Jordanian public shareholding industrial companies, and using statistical tools (statistical program SPSS) to analyze the study data and test hypotheses (averages, standard deviation). The results showed that the Jordanian industrial companies are facing many obstacles including: regulatory, financial, environmental, behavioral, which are preventing the adoption of e-commerce applications, while the same study showed that those companies realize the benefits of direct and indirect as well as the competitive advantages and social adoption of those applications. The study recommended that it is important to overcome all the obstacles facing the Jordanian public shareholding companies which are preventing the adoption of e-commerce applications, in order to accelerate the gains and reap the benefits of practicing electronic commerce.

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