Comparative Effects of Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis) Water vs Ethanol Extracts on the Physicochemical Properties and Stability of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesize
Lamin S. Kassama, Abiola John Kuponiyi, Tatiana Kukhtareva
Production of AgNP using different biological methods is gaining recognition due to their multiple applications.
It was hypothesized that ethanol Aloe Vera (AV) extract will produce stable nanoparticles within the 100 nm
range. The biological extract and AgNO3 were blended and heated to synthesize AgNP. The reaction process was
monitored using UV-Visible spectroscopy and FTIR was used for the characterization of biological compounds
and their substituent groups before and after the reaction process. Dynamic Light scattering method was used to
characterize particle size of AgNP and their bio-molecular stability. Results showed that biological compounds
such as aliphatic amines, alkenes (=C-H), alkanes (C-H), alcohol (O-H) and unsaturatedesters(C-O) has an
average particle size of 109 and 215.8 nm and polydispersity index of 0.451 and 0.375 for ethanol and water
extract, respectively. The results suggested that ethanol derived AgNP contained higher yield of organic
compounds and better solubility power than water.
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