Analysis of Innovative Behavior and Loyal Attitude toward Career Satisfaction with the Performance of Lecturers as Intervening Variables (Empirical Studies on the Kopertis Region VI in Indonesia)
EndahWinarti HS, Suharnomo

The objective of this research is to analyze the innovative behavior and loyal attitude toward career satisfaction with the performance of lecturers as an intervening variable. The research population is civil servant lecturers who work for private higher educations of Region VI (KOPERTIS VI), Central Java, Indonesia. A purposive sampling method is used to representatively sample the lecturers’ data. The data are analyzed using tests of validity and reliability, model feasibility for causal relationship analyses occurring in multiple regressions, hypotheses by a two stage regression analysis, and “Sobel test” for testing the significance of the intervening variable. The research shows that each of the innovative behavior and loyal attitude positively influences the lecturers’ performance. Also, each of the lecturers’ performance, innovative behavior and loyal attitude positively influences on the career satisfaction. The lecturers’ performance as an intervening variable positively influences on innovative behavior and the loyal attitude toward the career satisfaction. The hypothesis test used one tail test with an error (α) of 5%. The research findings prove that the performance of a lecturer as an intervening variable bridges the gap of the motivation influences to the performance.

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