Environmental Impacts of Globalization and a Solution Proposal
Assist. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Karatas
Natural or artificial, all the environmental components are constantly converted in line with the priorities of
international capital. Balance between development and environment cannot be achieved under the unavoidable
effects of globalization. Cities become consumption centers rather than production. Focusing on more earnings
and savings brings about the destruction of the urban environment; it gives irreversible damages to environment.
To prevent such a disaster besides legal measures, it is primarily necessary to increase people’s awareness.
Environmental education is a very important tool in this movement. It will be possible to change people’s
environmental perspective in a positive way with environmental education. People with high levels
of environmental awareness can shed light on the solution of environmental problems. Within the scope of this
theoretical study that deals with the environmental problems as a reflection of globalization, environmental
education activities will be emphasized as a solution proposal.
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