A Comprehensive Planning to Govern Rural Community – Case of Taiwan
Ching-Kai Hsiao
The purpose of this paper is to explore various concepts and principles of development planning and governance
for rural community. In addition, some planning and governing experiences of several countries are also
discussed. First section is to review the changes and trends of rural planning and management. Rural planning
was highly centralized in terms of a top-down approach in early time and hence local government was
marginalized. Nevertheless, the top-down approach gradually combined with a bottom-up approach due to the
emerging difficulties and problems. And the responsibility for planning and management thus shifting from center
to local. Next section explores the principles or basic rules for rural development, which are essential elements to
pursue the rural development at the local level. The third section takes a recent governance for rural community
in Taiwan as an example to demonstrate how the authorities to combine top-down and bottom-up approaches in
the process of rural regeneration. Some concluding remarks are made at the last section
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