Sustain Collaborative Initiative through Early Childhood Education University Students' Self-Reported Perceptions
Dr. Maram. F. Al- Momani, Ph.D. Ed.

This study describes and explores how early childhood education university students perceived their experiences of participating in a pilot collaborative initiative for improving kindergarten enrollment. The collaborative program initiated to improve kindergarten enrollment by neighborhood children, and to develop the early childhood education university students' knowledge and skills. Mixed method approach was used in the present study. Moreover, a convenience sample of early childhood education university students of those who practiced to fulfill the requirement of field training course objectives - a required last-semester early childhood education university program course- participated in the pilot initiative for improving kindergarten enrollment. Critical self-reflection on assumptions, and critical discourse were utilized to collect the qualitative data. The quantitative data, on the other hand, was collected using self report reaction index. Also, internal and external strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that impact the program were analyzed and SWOT analysis framework was utilized. On the whole, the entire early childhood education university students participating in the initiative program was highly positive about their experiences.

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