Analysis of Implant Hexagon Deformation Degree of Dental Subject to Standard Torques
Roberto Paulo Correia de Araujo, Ph.D; Alexandre Berno Mendes Rocha, Master; Armando Sá Ribeiro Junior, Ph.D; Danilo Barral Araujo, Ph.D; Lucas Dantas Souza, Student; Mauricio Cardeal, Dr; Roberto Paulo Correia Araujo, Dr.

Introduction: Dental implants constituted a valuable contribution to the dental replacement due to high functional and aesthetic quality. The implants with external hexagon (HE) are examples of dental implants, since they use the rotational force transfer mechanism applied on the external face of the HE (external torque) or at thinner HE (internal torque), among other ways installation, to allow the insertion of the implant in the bone. One should always be careful, however, to the fact that this type of rehabilitation treatment requires control of certain strength of implant placement in bone bases, avoiding result in deformation of the hexagon structure. Objective: To evaluate the maintenance of the physical integrity of the surface of the outer hexagon is dental implants HE type manufactured by Nobel Bio care, after application of internal or external torques installation in vitro through digitized optical images. Method: To study the maintenance hexagon integrity after application of sequential torques were used as body-specimens implants produced by Nobel Bio care fixed on a standardized metal deck, while for the application of torques ∞ and 35, 45 and 70 N / cm was used a specific manual torque wrench manufacturer of Nobel Bio care implants. Completed the application procedures of internal and external torques, photographed external hexagons implants studied and scanned images, proceeded to the measurements of the area, perimeter, diameter and distance side by side with the aid of a specific software, AutoCAD followed by the statistical treatment of the data. Results: Considered zero torque, the image corresponding to the original area of the external hex implant compared to images of the same area after application of external torques35, 45 and 70 N / cm was shown that there was no change at all in hexagonal structure. This same phenomenon was repeated to be zero torque images confronted with the images obtained after these same torques directly related to the perimeter, diameter and measures side by side. The images of the external hex implant external torque corresponding to zero when confronted with the images obtained after infinite external torque indicate changes have occurred in the hexagon size. As for the internal torque applied to the external hexagon implant finds itself no alteration in any dimensions measured, including in relation to the infinite torque. Conclusion: According to the methodology, it is concluded that the application of external torques external hexagons implants Nobel Bio care brand only causes change in dimensions is imposed torque ∞. However, the structure is preserved external hexagon implants while imposing torque ∞, provided it is applied internally.

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