Graduate Unemployment in Nigeria: Causes, Consequences and Remediable Approaches
Longe, Olukayode Ph.D.

The study explored the phenomenon of graduate unemployment as well as its causal factors, consequences and remedies in Nigeria. Using quantitative research method, data were collected from 360 Abuja (Nigeria Federal Capital) based professionals through a self-administered questionnaire structured in line with the modified Likert scale. The respondents were selected using purposive sampling technique and the choice of these participants was influenced by their orientation in people value added and experience in development planning in the country. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics of frequency counts and percentages, mean and standard deviation and Kurtosis. The study identified a combination of causal factors as responsible for the aggravated incidence of graduate unemployment in Nigeria. Findings also indicated that the socio-economic implications of graduate unemployment on the nation and affected individuals were gruesome. Aside from being a waste of human capital on the nation, those caught in the web were often susceptible to frustration and non-conforming behaviours. Furthermore, findings showed that there was no effective collaboration between universities and labour employers in providing relevant skills required for employability and employment fulfillment of university graduates. From the perspective of remediable measures, the study found amongst others, counter-active top-down approach to job creation programme design and implementation as pathway to graduate unemployment reduction in Nigeria. The study concluded that graduate unemployment was one of the Nigerian’s socio-economic challenges and to remediate this social ordeal would require soft wired deliberate policies of government, innovative all all-inclusive approach and concerted efforts of various stakeholders in the country.

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