Contents of Ritual Chanting “Pemasu-Masun” in Marriage Ceremony in Karo Society
Kumalo Tarigan

Pemasu-masun is a ritual chanting which presented at the marriage ceremony at Karo society who are one of the tribe whose live in North Sumatera. Specifically in this paper the presentation of pemasu-masun at the marriage ceremony as much as five times. Pemasu-masun is solo vocals with musical ensemble accompaniment. The person who presents is a perkolong-kolong (traditional Karo’s singer). The basis of the presentation is the mores of Karo. Describe with a systematic approach. Analyses of the pemasu-masun show that texts are more important than melodies like logogenic songs. The melodic structure have 2 to 5 tones, with a singing style declaimed, but at the end of a phrase there is a melismatically called rengget. The structure of the text consists of seven parts, each part being one form and called the main ideas. The seven main ideas in the pemasu-masun that are presented at the marriage ceremony include: 1) the arrival of the kinsfolk, 2) calling the deceased family whose perform the ceremony, 3) asking for the blessings , 4) the name of the marriage ceremony, 5) advice against both groom and bride, 6) the chanting as additional of speech acts in marriage ceremonies, 7) request against fellow kinsfolk.

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