Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Mental Health Recovery Knowledge Inventory
Jackson de Carvalho, PhD; Felix O. Chima, PhD
The Recovery Knowledge Inventory is a self-report measure intended to identify the knowledge of and attitudes toward
recovery-oriented care among mental health providers and staff. The developers of the Recovery Knowledge Inventory
found good-to-poor reliability statistics on the original four-factor model. This study reassessed the psychometric
properties of the Recovery Knowledge Inventory using exploratory factor analysis to find a factor structure that was a
good fit for the model. Thus, a confirmatory factor analysis was used to verify the exact structure of the relationship
among the factor structures in the model. Results indicated identified a single factor structure consisting of ten items,
which reflected the process of recovery. The factor loadings, however, did not support more than one factor. The
original developers of the Recovery Knowledge Inventory recognized the limitations of the instrument, which was
originally comprised of four-factor structure, and asked for further development of the measure. Therefore, this study
endeavored to address the psychometric properties of the Recovery Knowledge Inventory and identifies a factor
structure that better defines the recovery orientation of mental health staff and practitioners. As a result, it adds to the
limited literature of measures that evaluate staff recovery orientation.
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