Cultural Identity in Graphic Design
Dr. Wasmeh M. Aleshawie

Saudi Arabia has strong economic growth due to developed trading and expanding commercial exchange with a diverse range of countries. This exchange is helping Saudi designers, specifically graphic designers, in their quest to become more innovative as well as more lucrative. They are likewise helped by rapidly developing technologies. There are three important elements in this paper: 1. the influence of an expanding economy on the abundance of graphic designing jobs; 2. confirming identity as a goal of 2030 Vision; 3. cultural diversity among Saudi regions. Purpose of research: In order to measure the application of cultural identity in Saudi design, various sample brands will be analyzed and their authors will be questioned. The most germane results are: Ninety-five point two percent of designers in Saudi Arabia state that they apply cultural identity in the creation of their designs, although they use a variety of means to express this.

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