The Role of the Local Press in Shaping the Public Opinion about Political Issues
Dr. Nidal Ayoub Ali Abu Orabi Al Adwan, Rakan Ayoub Ali (Abu Arabi Adwan)

The present study aimed to explore the role of the local press in shaping the public opinion about political issues in Jordan. A descriptive analytical approach was adopted. The researchers developed a questionnaire. The sample consists from 200 female and male students who were selected from the public universities located in the central province in Jordan. To be specific, they were selected from the (University of Jordan, the Hashemite University, and Applied Balqa University). It was found that the local press plays a very significant role in shaping the public opinion about political issues in Jordan. It was found that there isn’t any statistically significant difference between the respondents’ views which can be attributed to gender or university. The researchers recommend promoting awareness among university students about the role of the local press in addressing political issues and shaping the public opinion about political issues

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