Impacts of Transformational Leadership on Organisational Performance in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Uganda
Dr. Josephine Apili Ali

Leadership is an important attribute in the management of Small and Medium- Sized Manufacturing Enterprises(SMMEs). Aim: To establish what drives an organization to adopt a leadership style to enhance its performance. And further to investigate the effect of the components of transformational leadership in organizational performance in SMMEs in Uganda. Setting: The research is premised on the SMMEs in the cities and municipalities of Uganda, given that this where the majority of the SMMEs are concentrated. Methods: A desk review research approach and qualitative research design was adopted by the study. Results: Transformational leadership does impacts on organizational performance in SMMEs to an extent, but there is need for its enhancement for more effective performance of the SMMEs. Conclusion: There is need for continuous improvement of the components of transformational leadership so as to fully enhance organizational performance in SMMEs in Uganda.

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