Using a Mobile Classroom Interaction System (M-Cis) In a Science Instruction Laboratory Class: Students’ Motivation
Özkan Yılmaz, Vehbi Aytekin Sanalan
One of the critical tasks of teaching is motivating the learner. Motivation is usually defined as an internal state that reinforces, rewards, and provides incentives for engaging participation in learning communities. Establishing a classroom environment that supports this internal state is critical if learners are to be motivated. This study aims to measure the effects of a Mobile Classroom Interaction System (m-CIS) on student motivation. m-CIS environment is designed using m-learning perspective and students’ view of using mobile phone in science classroom. An m-CIS incorporated communication between students and teacher using students’ mobile phones, computers, web area (internet), a server and projector. The established network system provided communication among students, students to teacher, and teacher to students. The M-CIS was used in the laboratory of a university science education department with take consider to students’ views about using self phones in classroom. Four science instruction laboratory classes were used in this study. Two groups were randomly assigned as the experiment groups and two other groups as the control groups. The study continued during a spring term. A questionnaire for motivation toward science was used to collect data about how students’ motivation changed throughout the term. The scale includes motivation towards five factors: research, performance, communication, cooperation, and attendance. No significant difference is found between experiment and control groups while the results are discussed to implement m-CIS with a broader range of educational settings.
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