Non-Discriminatory and Inclusive Approaches: A Case Study of Chechen Migrant Children in Istanbul
H. Ozden Bademci, Oznur Acicbe MA

Children are a primary focus of intervention as they are some of the highest users of services. Viewing children as active agents and encouraging their active participation have important implications for service provision for children. For an effective intervention, children must be approached as knowing subjects and their participation and partnership should be sought in caring for them. Participation does not merely refer to involvement in formal decision-making processes, but rather refers more widely to individuals’ self-determination in taking actions and making choices as active citizens. This paper examines the service provision for Chechen migrant children in Istanbul through the eyes of the children. Drawing on ethnographic research on Chechen migrant Children in Istanbul, this paper argues that it is vital to help children develop a sense of belonging and ownership in the service provision by empowering them. Such an approach helps these children with their integration process, while its lack only contributes to their further exclusion and isolation from society.

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