Assessing Narrative and Expository Reading Passages by Text and Online Presentation
Dr. Gloria Wolpert, Dr. Lisa Anne Vacca-Rizopoulos

This research used both expository and narrative text to analyze students' miscues and comprehension scores using both online reading passages and the traditional print version of the QRI-V. This was done as part of an education course for pre-service teachers. The students were fourth and fifth graders who came from a homeless shelter in the Bronx and were tested in order to plan appropriate tutoring programs. Comprehension was measured by accuracy of retelling a story that was just read, and answering explicit and implicit questions. Prior knowledge of the topic and number of miscues were also correlated. Comparisons were made between narrative and expository text, and presentation in print or online. Findings suggest that for fourth and fifth grade elementary students, comprehension of expository passages was more sensitive to miscues than narrative passages. In general, text presentation of material had a slightly stronger correlation with recall of information and answering implicit and explicit questions than on-line presentation. Classroom implications for enhancing comprehension and the infusion of technology are discussed. These included graphic organizers, prompts, context clues, word maps, digital storytelling, questioning scaffolds and anticipation guides.

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