The Effects of the New Turkish Commercial Code on the Transition of Capital Stock Companies to Corporate Governance
Prof. Dr. A. Sait Sevgener, Asst. Prof. Dr. Kadir Dabbağoğlu
The corporate governance approach has been developed with a view to ensure that enterprises turn into reliable and sound bodies. Enterprises need well-organized and well-functioning internal control systems in order to create reliable and sound structures. The main purpose of the study is to research the issue of how successful a legal regulation will be for the establishment of an effective internal control system and, thus, for taking the first step towards transiting to the corporate governance. This is an empirical study conducted on family-owned companies and small and medium sized enterprises to reveal and explain on statistical basis the relationship between the transition periods for corporate governance of such company types, with the accounting and auditing practices performed for that purpose and introduced by the new commercial code, which will enter into force in turkey in 2012.
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