Psycho-Educational Processes as Strategies for Students Presenting with Emotional and Behavioural Disorders
Susan R. Anderson

Historically, in the Jamaican educational system, children have suffered many times from psycho-social and handicapping conditions such as a lack of understanding and empathy from teachers, administrators and their peers. The literature is replete with evidence of such treatment leading to negative student behaviour and the resultant poor performance. Consistent with this, is the reality that the number of students with special needs or learning difficulties has been increasing rapidly. Of those children with special needs, however, the ones most likely to be misunderstood are those with emotional and behavioural disorders. This paper calls into question the issue of what researchers consider normal behaviour in schools. A discussion of the construct “emotional and behavioural disorders” within the purview of the Jamaican educational system is provided in order to give credence and validity to this paper. Intervention/Treatment models are offered followed by practical and evidenced-based classroom strategies addressing the needs of students with emotional and behaviour disorders. Discussing the aforementioned also support the researchers view that changes are long overdue in creating standards and significant guidelines for helping students with emotional and behavioural problems.

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