Women’s Use of Healthcare Services and Their Perspective on Healthcare Utilization during Pregnancy and Childbirth in a Small Village in Northern India
Joyce A. Bredesen, DNP, RN

Purpose: This research study examines women’s perspectives and utilization of health care services during pregnancy and childbirth in a rural community in northern India.

Design: This research project is a descriptive, qualitative study. Purposeful sampling was utilized to seek information-rich cases. A snowball technique was used for the sample population. An open-ended questionnaire was utilized to elicit information.

Sample: Ten women who had given birth within the last year, and who were 18 years old or older living in a rural community in northern India.

Results: Five participants did not seek out or receive any health care services. Five participants sought out healthcare during pregnancy and childbirth. All the women shared their perspectives on how utilization of healthcare could be improved within their community.

Conclusion: Women in rural India have little access to health care resources. This study showed that lack of educational resources, distance, cost and transportation, cultural, religious, and family influences all had an impact on women utilizing healthcare services. Implications: Understanding women's perspectives can help reduce barriers to health care during pregnancy and childbirth.

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