Professionalism and Objectivity of Al-Jazeera Satellite Channel
Dr. Sami Al-khazendar, Dr. Yahya Ali

This study aims to evaluate the performance of Al-Jazeera Channel using two major indicators -- objectivity and professionalism. The study was based on a survey conducted in nineteen Arab countries on a sample of 611 Ph.D. holders specializing in political science and media. The results show variation in the evaluation of objectivity and professionalism of Al-Jazeera performance. Al-Jazeera was evaluated lower in terms of objectivity (63.5 points) compared with professionalism (77.9 points). The overall performance of Al-Jazeera reached 71.4 out of 100 points. Moreover, the nationality of the experts and specialists affected their evaluationsofAl-Jazeera objectivity, professionalism and overall performance.

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