A Strategic Analysis of Higher Education in Turkey
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kayhan Mutlu, Assit. Prof. Dr. Yavuz Kahraman
The objective of this study is to elaborate on the relationship between higher education and moral values. Moral
corruption is related to white collar crimes. They are one of most significant social problems for the developing
countries like Turkey. On the other hand, at present, we see that possession of a higher education from an
esteemed universities do not imply the person has been exposed to the necessary conditions for the development
of ethical and moral values, as evidenced by campus and white collar crimes committed by these high educated
persons. Sample size is 464 students, conducted at five universities located in Turkey to determine if courses in
moral philosophy should be required as part of university education. The findings show that university students
in this study strongly accept the notion that “there is not any meaningful relationship between qualified higher
education and personality qualities like dignity, honesty and decency, as conceptualized by them.” In the light of
secular social systems, in Turkey, this finding may suggest, there might be a strong need for a combination of
university education and moral philosophy, at the universities.
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