Social Entrepreneurship and Cooperatives
Ropate R. Qalo
This paper traces some micro enterprises with a sociological lens to view the situation on the ground for almost three decades (29 years). It highlights the as a case study the experiences of the Mucunabitu Iron Works (MIW) Cooperative Limited at Nasinu, Fiji. It includes thrift and credit or micro finance within the case study and beyond. It mentions some prominent Coops like Lutu in the Province of Naitasiri, Makadru in Matuku, Lau Province, Cane-growers Cooperative Savings and Loans Association (CCSLA) in Lautoka, Fiji Teachers Union Credit & Thrift Cooperative (FTU-CTC) in Suva, and Savu Coop in Naitasiri. The role played by the author, research conducted through the Sociology & Social Work Division of the School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Law, University of the South Pacific (USP). The study highlights developing cooperatives and micro finance as social enterprises establishing the basis of developing capacities to contribute to development after four coups. National policy mooted by the late former Reserve Bank Governor and Vice Chancellor, Mr. Savenaca Siwatibau supports the work pursued here from interactions with him and of course his paper (Narsey 2009). The need for social as well as micro enterprises in Fiji and globally can no longer be ignored. Much has been written in Bolivia micro finance and Bangladesh‟s Grameen Bank (Todaro & Smith 2006:341-7). It is our challenge to support micro enterprises in Fiji and the South Pacific now for it should robustly develop our countries for our livelihood as well as contributing largely to sustaining our economic and social progress.
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