A Green Era for the University of North Florida
Dr. Mag Malek, Matt Haluck, Nathan Lillemon

Building “green” is not a new concept to the construction and design arena but, the introduction of the latest building trend has just begun to catch on to the general public. Sustainable or ‘green building’ design and construction is the concept of using the resources we have more efficiently and blending them with new technologies and ideas to create a healthier and more energy-efficient building and environment. Success comes in the form of leaving a lighter footprint on the environment through conservation of resources, while at the same time balancing energy-efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and low-maintenance products for our construction needs. LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) developed by the USGBC (United States Green Building Council), has provided a score sheet and rating system that can be applied to construction projects to determine if in fact a project can be LEED certified. The scoring sheet is the buildings report card, and the ‘grades’ on that report card are assessed and delivered from a third-party who is not initially involved in the construction of the project. This paper will discuss the process which was implemented in constructing the Social Science building on the campus of the University of North Florida, and the differences in costs savings by having a LEED certification.

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