Educators’ Experiences on the Role of Parents in the School Governing Bodies of Rural Schools
Dr M A N Duma, Mrs I S Kapueja, Mr P D Khanyile

The aim of this article is to investigate the experiences of educators on the role of parents in the school governing bodies of rural schools. Apart from a literature review on the experiences of educators on the role of parents in the governance of rural schools, the article reports on a study in which empirical investigation based on quantitative research paradigm was used to collect data from educators. The literature findings revealed that the inclusion of parents in the school governing bodies is a critical component of education in South Africa. The study revealed that empirical findings elicited that educators would like parents to have a significant role to play in school governance. The study is concluded by the submission that it is essential for parents in the school governing bodies of rural schools to be given necessary training so that they can have a working knowledge of school governance activities.

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