Alternative Seating for Young Children: Effects on Learning
Dr. Jill M. Merritt

Classroom teachers frequently use movement and sensory integration to assist their students’ learning, but little research exists to support its use. Although research is limited, it suggests that the use of alternative seating may provide students with the opportunity to move just enough to assist children in learning more effectively. This study examined the relationship between an alternative seating device and children’s scores on the Get it, Got it, Go Assessment (Ohio Department of Education, 2008). It was hypothesized that there would be a significant difference in the intervention groups’ Get it, Got it, Go Assessment scores compared to the non-intervention groups scores at the end of six weeks. Participating teachers reported a significant decline in the number of times instruction was interrupted due to off-task behavior. The current research provides insight into the role of sensory integration and how students pay attention while learning. The current research may potentially add to the current literature on sensory integration and learning.

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