The Relationship between the Level of Motivation and the Level of Job Satisfaction of the Call Center Agents of Medialink Contact Solutions, Inc.:Basis of a Proposed Enhancement Program
Gilbert L. Bautista

The problems encountered by Medialink Contact Solutions, Inc. inspired the researcher, being the Quality Assurance Director of the company, to conduct the study. The unsolved issues on performance and attrition rate have greatly affected the company in realizing continued success. The study found out the level of motivation and the level of job satisfaction of call center agents, which gave solutions in the improvement of the call center operations of the company through a proposed enhancement program. The result of the study showed that the respondents are generally motivated and satisfied. The level of motivation and the level of job satisfaction of the respondents when grouped according to profile resulted to no significance. In addition, it shows that there is a substantial correlation between the level of motivation and the level of job satisfaction of the respondents. The “Comprehensive Company Enhancement Program for Medialink Contact Solutions, Inc.” was proposed based on the outcome of study. It was concluded that the said proposed enhancement program holds the key in the improvement of the level of motivation and the level of job satisfaction of the respondents. The company should review, implement and evaluate the proposed enhancement program for its continued success.

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