The Impact of TVET on Ghana’s Socio-Economic Development: A Case Study of ICCES TVET Skills Training in Two Regions of Ghana
Ninette Afi Pongo, Bernard Effah, Benedict Osei-Owusu, Elizabeth Obinnim, Francis Kwame Sam

Integrated Community Centre for Employable Skills (ICCES) is an agency under the Ministry of Employment and Social Welfare with policy objective of filling the gap in employment generation by developing the young human resources in line with the poverty alleviation goal of the government of Ghana. The purpose of the study was to find out how the ICCES training programmes are achieving their purpose of increasing access of young person’s to skills acquisition and empowerment for productive employment. To harness the needed information, questionnaire, interview and observation, were employed in gathering data from the subjects. The results suggest that participants in the survey had all conferred that the programmes have being helpful to the communities in securing suitable employment that allows them to generate income within the social, family and financial constraints that they face in their communities and as such their social and economic status has being impacted positively.

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