An Empirical Study of Consumer Motivations to Use QR Codes on Magazine Ads
Selcuk Ertekin, Lou E. Pelton

Consumers are offered an ever expanding array of telecommunication instruments by technology companies. Electronic software applications are developed in many different forms in order to serve customers’ needs. In the advertising medium, smart phone QR code reader applications allow consumers to scan QR codes on magazine ads. In order to study consumer motivations to use QR codes on magazine ads, we used conclusive research. We found that consumers are motivated by getting some sort of promotion offered by the business when they scan a QR code on a magazine ad; they are looking for a useful link where they can get relevant product information and see customer reviews; and they are motivated by being entertained throughout the experience. We found that consumers who are more involved with promotional deals are especially important for marketers who choose to add QR codes to their magazine ads.

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