The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Curbing Workplace Violence
Jules Harris Danarson

Curbing Workplace Violence (WPV) requires comprehensive policies and systems used by managers not only to ensure adherence to established company rules, but also to create sustained perceptions of a harmonious work environment. Ironically, however, as often observed, managers’ behaviors go as far as to inflict emotional harm on employees whose response can be physical violence as a retaliatory action. This emotional abuse by managers and supervisors is referred to as bullying, violence that can be motivated by lack of intrapersonal and interpersonal competence, hence the call for managerial leadership with Emotional Intelligence (EI). This paper demonstrates that, with good intentions, emotionally intelligent managers use power conditioned by selfawareness, empathy and sense of justice. Reviewing some of the existing literature on WPV and EI, the paper highlights potential strategies for changes not only in the workplace where problems occur but also in management of organizational behavior, which can be the fundamental cause of the problems.

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