Diffusion of E-Learning Technologies among Medical Students in Ghana: An Empirical Analysis
Mary Ann Yeboah, Mary Opokua Ansong, Emelia Opoku Aboagye, Henry Asante Antwi, Ethel Yiranbon
The ultimate objective of the Ghana ICT for Accelerated Development (ICT4AD) is to: ‘accelerate Ghana’s
socio-economic development process towards the realization of the vision to transform Ghana into a high income
economy and society that is predominately information-rich and knowledge-based within the next two to three
decades or less. A proposed unified information technology acceptance research model called Unified Theory of
Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) was used. The model integrates significant elements across eight
prominent user acceptance models and formulates a unique measure with core determinants of user behavioural
intention and usage. This paper presents findings of a study that validates the UTAUT model in the subject of the
user acceptance towards an educational technology. In this study, a total of 262 respondents from two medical
schools in Ghana were surveyed for their acceptance of e-learning technologies. The results of the study provide
an exploratory factor analysis of the model, demonstrate satisfactory reliable and valid scales of the model
constructs, and suggest further analysis to confirm the model as a valuable tool to evaluate the user acceptance of
an information technology.
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