Correlation and Slaughter Weight on Sensitivity Analysis of Charolais Steers Feedlot Finished
Paulo S. Pacheco, João Restle, Janaine L. Olegario, Fernanda R. Menezes, Fabiano N. Vaz, Leonir L. Pascoal, Daniel B. Lemes, Karoline G. Valença, Gabriella I. O. Machado, Ana Clara T. Rodrigues

The objective was to evaluate the behavior of the variables that comprise items of income and costs through sensitivity analysis with or without the use of correlation in the feedlot of Charolais steers slaughtered at 421.0 ± 45.0 kg, 461.0 ± 29.1 kg or 495.0 ± 17.8 kg. The feeding period was 110, 145 and 184 days, respectively. The financial indicator Net Present Value was used. For the process of stochastic simulation, the type of sampling Latin Hypercube, random number generator of Mersenne Twister, with 2,000 interactions, with or without Spearman correlation among the cost items that have certain probability distributions were used. For sensitivity analysis, the Multivariate stepwise regression method, with standardized regression coefficients was used. In decreasing order, the price of feeder and finished steers, diet costs, diet intake and discount rate are the most important items influencing the viability of feedlot, independent of body weight.

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