Somaliland Security at the Crossroads: Pitfalls and Potentials
Nasir M. Ali

This study examines the peace and stability of Somaliland and how a once the improving security has declined due to the contribution of various factors such as the dramatic decline of the cooperation on security and other related matters with bilateral partners not only in the region, but also beyond, and the unity of the Somaliland citizens which was the cornerstone of the state security which is fading under the leadership of Silanyo. The study also examines the challenges that face the security of Somaliland from within and its implications to the regional security and stability. The study has chosen to examine the nexus between three separate, but interrelated factors which require clear and informed thinking of the day: geoposlitics and vulnerability of the region and the threat posed by the global war on ‘terrorism’, weak leadership style and presence of Islamist elements within the Somaliland’s decision-making circles, hollowed-out institutions and high-level, pervasive corruption. The study connects the security of Somaliland with the stability for the wider region, which has great implications both on the human and state securities. The study argues that the jihadi surge in Somalia, which is the tragic, violent outcome of steadily deteriorating political dynamics since the state collapse in 1991 and conquered many parts of south–central Somalia reveal the fragility of the Horn African region. The conclusion suggests the need for re-formulating the Somaliland’s state security institutions and re-engaging the skilled security personnel dismissed by Silanyo regime to foster functioning security that could cultivate stability in the long-term both in Somaliland and the Horn region.

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