Public Policies and Affirmative Actions in Higher Education: a Brazilian Contemporary Experience
Kelly Gianezini

The access of students in higher education has occurred through different forms of ingression around the world. This article presents a Brazilian experience reporting its main characteristics and quandaries. In this study, it was possible to collect and to analyze social-historical documents and statistic data related to the Prouni – Programa Universidade Para Todos (University for all program). In this context, the following question comes up: Is it possible to identify the existence of strategies of university management to attract and to keep students respecting their ethnic, social and cultural backgrounds? If so, is it possible to consider that such characteristics promote the cultural diversity without causing conflicts in universities? In terms of methodology, the research adopted a descriptive character, by means of conducting a theoretical and empirical research. It was noticed that although there were some marks of resistance from some students and professors, these marks have been overcome by the perseverance and success obtained by those who have been contemplated by the public policies.

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