Electric Vehicles in Ireland: The Future?
Dr. Angela Wright

This study explores the merits of the Electric Vehicle (EV) as an alternative mode of transportation in Ireland. The EV has been produced for many decades, but never in a mass production capacity. EVs do not require fossil fuels to power them. With fossil fuels being in short supply and as global climate change is deteriorating each year; the EV will help reduce Ireland’s dependence on depleting fossil fuel resources. This current study seeks to establish if the EV can be part of the solution to prevent further un-repairable damage to the environment. The findings of this current study, demonstrate that EVs have the potential to contribute to significant CO2 reductions in the transport sector. This research also outlines the main advantages and disadvantages of the EV, and reviews the future development of EVs. This research study focuses on the technology development, infrastructure development, consumer acceptance and appropriate measures that will facilitate a more rapid utilisation of EV technology. The Irish Government have an existing strategy for the adoption of electric cars, and if successful, the commercial vehicle industry and large trucks may factor into the longer term electric transport strategy. Ireland has some of the best natural resources and the EV will allow Ireland the opportunity to use these resources to generate electricity. This current study seeks to establish if the EV can help Ireland build a successful renewable future for all. The EV is exciting to drive, efficient, has great performance and above all, is environmentally friendly with Zero CO2 emissions.

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