Agro-Food Crafts: A Multi-Dimensional Phenomenon in the South of Guanajuato, Mexico
Dr. Perla Shiomara Del Carpio Ovando, Dr. Alberto Valdés Cobos, Sergio Jacinto Alejo, Karla Del Carpio Ovando

In this article we introduce agro-food crafts as an economic activity with an intimate relationship with cultural, social, religious, cosmogonical, and nutritional aspects. We undertake a brief review of food as an object of study in the Social Sciences, and then we focus on Mexican gastronomy, specifically agro-food crafts from the Salvatierra region in the south of the state of Guanajuato. Both theory and empirical evidence defend the kitchen as an intimate laboratory of generational encounters, cultural revitalization, inherited riches, health care, and community permanence. In terms of material and symbolical objects situated in time and space, food constitutes a multi-dimensional phenomenon that demands to be addressed as they are a space to form personal, social, and community identities; preserve historical and current culture, and shows how the deep roots in a rural past coexist despite the challenges that represent the drives of globalization.

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