Marketing Problems and the Performance of Selected Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Southern Senatorial District of Cross River State, Nigeria
Ebitu, Ezekiel Tom; Ufot, Juliet Alfred; Olom, Patricia Akwaya

The study examined the relationship between marketing problems and performance of selected Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in southern senatorial district of Cross River State. The study sought to investigate the marketing problems of SMEs and its impact on the profit-margin as well as the sales volume of small and medium enterprises. Survey design was employed. The area of study was Calabar Metropolis, while the study frame were owners and managers of SMEs. The sample size of the study was 150 and data was collected with the use of structured questionnaire. The instrument was content-validated, while the test-retest method was used to confirm the reliability. Data analysis was done electronically by the use of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 21. The findings highlighted in the study were; there is a significant relationship between the marketing problems experienced by SMEs and the increase in their profit margin and sales volume. The study recommends that managers of SMEs should be adequately educated on the principles and practice of marketing. Also, the position of marketer or marketing manager as the case may be, should be occupied by one who is a qualified marketing professional because this would reduce the risks involved in making certain marketing decisions.

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