Empirical Evidence about the Characteristics and Business Incubators Performance: A Framework of Multiple Cases
Selma Regina Martins Oliveira, Marli Terezinha Vieira

This research examines the relation between the characteristics and business incubators performance in three countries: Chile, Israeli and Italy. The business characteristics are in the context of: corporate mission, plans and strategies, leadership/management, staff competence and expertise, facilities and resources and technology. The performance measures in this study drawn from literature: graduation of businesses incubated; success of businesses incubated; jobs created by incubation; and salaries paid by incubator clients. Integrates theory and empirical data to investigate links between characteristics and business incubators performance. Structured interviews and questionnaires will be used to develop the research. Provides a concise description of the Chile, Israeli and Italy business incubators program and presents the characteristics of the data available. The data collection includes formal and informal open interviews. Incubators contribute to the international economy and play a vital role not only in the economic recovery but also in smart growth and economic development. These findings will assist incubator managers, policy makers and government parties in successful implementation of incubator policies.

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